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Name:  Mr.Tejendra Bahadur Bhandari
Date of Birth  :  1974-08-02
Birth Place :  Pachthar , Mehalbote-3                                                             
Father's Name :  Naina Bahadur Bhandari
Mother's Name :  Basundhara Bhandari
Zodic Sign  : Libra
Address  :  Biratnagar -11 ,Janpathtole.
Citizenship No. : 80478 ,Morang
Blood Group : B+
News Media: Freelance,Editor www.ratotara.com,
Email address : [email protected],

1.    Positions  and  the  Institutions  where  I  worked :
Although, we have started our journey, under the owernship of Morang Pvt.Ltd. from darta No. 64 2046/09/18 till 2049/11/21.  I  worked for Morang Sapthahik Editor and darta no. 73/052/3/31 for Purbanchal Mahanagar Dainik and Morang darta no.138/063/4/7 for Janpath Dairy newspaper as an Editor and a Publisher.
2.    Chairman:
Nepal Sampadak Sang and Nepal Patrakar Mahasang Morang date 2053 Magh 20 to 2054 Magh 19 and after again from the voting till 2056 2times as the councilor and now as a member only.

3.    Advisor Related Institutions :
From 2057/02/06 to 2064 Ashar worked as a press advisor  of Koshi  Bus Babyashahi in Ithari, and from 2059 to 2061 in Nepal women Regeneration Forum Animal Husbandry one time and again, in 2059 from Baisakh worked as an Advisor in Janapriya Tole Reform Committee and Janapriya Tole Organisation for a long time worked as a Social Worker till now.

4.    Certificates of Appreciations and Good Wishes:   In  2057/10/25 got certificate of appriciations from Morng District Growth Committee for excellent  journalism in Morang Districts .Also in 2057/10/29 fro, Kupondol, Lilitpur Media Reporters of Morang Jibisa gave the certificate of appriciations and good wishes for future. And so on,  In 2060 Baisakh 6  By Shayitic Patrakar Koshi Zone gave special certificate and a token for helping in National Program for respected Poet Madhav Prasad Ghimire. In 2049/12/16 Security Body of our country from Police Head Office gave the praise certificate and thanks for the service providd to the Nation and also which I motivated the Moral of Security Personnel of my country.

5.    Journalism Related Trannings :  In  1990/10/09 collage of  story writing Ambala Chawni from India got the tranning in Diploma in news editing subject for 6months.In 1996 August11 got the tranning in population related in Journalism from Nepal Press Institution.In 1997 July 3 operated in Bayabasahik  Journalism got tranning in Advertisement related subject and also from , 2059 Bhadra 21 got the tranning by ANPI Baybashahik Journalism related orientation.

6.    Position and Institution working at present: Now, I am working at online media       named RATOTARA.COM as editor,( press council nepal number:545/2074/06/26) and the register number of the online media RATOTARA.COM is 231/073-74 given by Government Of Nepal Ministry of Communication and Information Technology Department of Information and Broadcasting (Date when online media was registered:2074/02/30).

7.    Certificate of Participation: I was certified by Human Rights and Journalism organized by National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) for the successful completion of training on 16 August.2019,Biratnagar .
8.    Position at online media samuha at present : The online media samuha was established at 2074 Poush 22, I am referred as chairman of the online media samuha from the starting days to till now .

9.       Federation of Nepal Journalists (FNJ): From past to till now at present 1 am the member of FNJ , morang, and press organization province 1 member at present .                                                    

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